Marcus Couch


Now there are a number of different bulk post and page creators out there on their own. Some of them do one, some of them do the other. This one though is interesting because it actually allows you to create hierarchy or parent-child relationships of posts and pages, right within the bulk creator. So you just basically set in the titles and if you want to do a child or a subpage or whatever within that, you just put a dash in front of the title, and then it creates it right underneath the non-dashed version. So it allows you to basically create an entire setup of different posts and pages, all within this one plugin. I found it very useful and I rated it a 8 out of 10.

[plugin_name src=”quick-bulk-post-page-creator”]

  • Repository page: [plugin_name src=”quick-bulk-post-page-creator”] at
  • Plugin Home page: [plugin_name src=”quick-bulk-post-page-creator”] Home Page
  • Current version: [plugin_version src=”quick-bulk-post-page-creator”]
  • Last Updated: [plugin_last_updated src=”quick-bulk-post-page-creator”]
  • Requires: [plugin_requires src=”quick-bulk-post-page-creator”]
  • Tested up to: [plugin_tested src=”quick-bulk-post-page-creator”]
  • Downloads all time: [plugin_dl src=”quick-bulk-post-page-creator”]
  • Average rating: [plugin_rating src=”quick-bulk-post-page-creator”]
  • Number of ratings: [plugin_num_ratings src=”quick-bulk-post-page-creator”]

Download [plugin_name src=”quick-bulk-post-page-creator”]
Rating: 8/10