
I’ve been involved in a project for a client that involved taking a PSD Photoshop design, basically just a graphic, and converting it over to a PSP landing page. And boy, there were so many issues that I wish I could’ve dropped this template into WordPress and run Gravity forms through this, instead of just this PHP form going into a custom CMS and all that.

So in searching for a solution to use WordPress as my platform, I found this plugin called Grid. Now, it’s kind of a container landing page editor, which allows you to drag and drop different boxes and containers and modules into a really nice interface to make a landing page that doesn’t necessarily conform to the theme, so it’s outside of it. I’ve found the interface very handy, very easy to set up, and I’m still in the process of completely converting this old PSD file into the Grid format, but so far, so good. So I rated this one an 8 out of 10.

[plugin_name src=”grid”]

  • Repository page: [plugin_name src=”grid”] at
  • Plugin Home page: [plugin_name src=”grid”] Home Page
  • Current version: [plugin_version src=”grid”]
  • Last Updated: [plugin_last_updated src=”grid”]
  • Requires: [plugin_requires src=”grid”]
  • Tested up to: [plugin_tested src=”grid”]
  • Downloads all time: [plugin_dl src=”grid”]
  • Average rating: [plugin_rating src=”grid”]
  • Number of ratings: [plugin_num_ratings src=”grid”]

Download [plugin_name src=”grid”]
Rating: 10/10