Marcus Couch


In this time travel inspired episode of WordPress Weekly, Marcus Couch and I catch you up on the news of the week. I start the show by sharing my experience attending the first WordCamp Hampton Roads in Virginia Beach, VA. While in Virginia Beach, I visited and worked from the Rocketgenius office and observed how the team behind Gravity Forms works on a daily basis. In the show, I explain why I think the company’s setup is the best of both worlds for distributed workers.

We discuss what the future of WordPress may be like 10 years from now and whether or not it’s time for the XML-RPC protocol to be removed from WordPress. We end the show with the plugin picks of the week.

Stories Discussed:

Anyssa Ferreira Awarded the Kim Parsell Memorial Scholarship
WP_Title is deprecated in WordPress 4.4
What Will WordPress Be Like In Next 10 Years? Here’s an awesome comment on the article.
It’s Time for XML-RPC in WordPress to Hit the Road

Plugins Picked By Marcus:

WooCommerce Price Per Word allows customers to upload a document to the product page. The word-count of the document is used to calculate the price based on the price-per-word entered for the product.

Shortcode Tester is a post editor tool for WordPress developers that displays the HTML generated by WordPress shortcodes in a popup window. You can quickly view the generated HTML without having to view the entire post.

Beehive cells arranges the content on your front page into a series of hexagonal cells similar to a beehive.

WPWeekly Meta:

Next Episode: Wednesday, October 28th 9:30 P.M. Eastern

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