Marcus Couch


I'd like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy New Year and talk about a few things in store for 2015.

I'm stepping things up a lot in the coming year. There are a lot of new productions in the works, and those that you already are aware of.

WordPress Weekly
I've had so much fun with Jeff Chandler as my co-host of WordPress Weekly. It's a huge amount of learning and fun when we interview some of the most influential names in the WordPress game. Even when it's just Jeff and I on the show, I feel like we hit it ou of the park every single time. It's great to develop a routine with someone to create something truly magical week after week. I can't wait til we get started with new shows in 2015

WordPress Plugins A-Z
It's been another great year for WPAZ. John Overall and I have surpassed episode #200, and remained in the top 3 of all WordPress podcasts in the World. Not too shabby! I enjoy the show a lot, bringing the latest and greatest in WordPress Plugins to our avid listeners and fans. John and I have a lot of new things planned for 2015, and I can't wait til we get closer to announcing a few of our new initiatives,

Godaddy Garage
This year I began blogging for on their new blogging hub called “The Garage”. I have used the platform to expand beyond my traditional WordPress based posts, and that theme will be something that you can expect me to continue with throughout the coming year.

The Campfire
Expanding with Godaddy, I've also joined a bi-weekly Google Hangout put on by called The Campfire. Mendel Kurland and I are the co-hosts, and we are going to really expand and grow the production over the coming year. I really enjoyed meeting with Mendel at WordCamp San Francisco, and I cannot wait until we drop the hammer and pound through some amazing interviews and interactions with the tech and startup community.

And more to come!
There are so many other new activities, presentations and ideas that I look forward to bringing to the WordPress community, tech community, and online business owners. I'm preparing to once again hit the stage and present a whle new set of topics to challenge and educate those that work online. I'm VERY inspired by Chris Lema, and I look forward to emulating his relentless drive, dedication and knowledge.

It's been an absolutely amazing year, but there were certainly some setbacks. I've learned to cope with them and lead with my heart. I've found that fogiveness is the key to my freedom. It's always better to untangle something rather than just cut the cord. I hope that I am able to continue with a pattern of killing them with kindness.

Have a great start to 2015! I look forward to engaging with my followers, fans and friends on this blog more than ever.
