
This one is called Disk Usage Sunburst, and this is a very interesting plugin. It shows all the files of your WordPress installation all at once in a cool Sunburst chart format; a bunch of different curves and arcs and things that go around a central circle.

Each arc within the content is designated as either a directory or a file and all you have to do is hover your mouse over one of those arcs and each one of those represents a file. So you can see the entire size of the file or directory within your site. Obviously, the bigger that the arc is, the larger the file or the directory is, so it’s a good, useful tool in determining which are the largest files and directories within your website, all in one place. Very handy tool, very well put together, and I gave this one an 8 out of 10.

[plugin_name src=”disk-usage-sunburst”]

  • Repository page: [plugin_name src=”disk-usage-sunburst”] at
  • Plugin Home page: [plugin_name src=”disk-usage-sunburst”] Home Page
  • Current version: [plugin_version src=”disk-usage-sunburst”]
  • Last Updated: [plugin_last_updated src=”disk-usage-sunburst”]
  • Requires: [plugin_requires src=”disk-usage-sunburst”]
  • Tested up to: [plugin_tested src=”disk-usage-sunburst”]
  • Downloads all time: [plugin_dl src=”disk-usage-sunburst”]
  • Average rating: [plugin_rating src=”disk-usage-sunburst”]
  • Number of ratings: [plugin_num_ratings src=”disk-usage-sunburst”]

Download [plugin_name src=”disk-usage-sunburst”]
Rating: 8/10