What if you’ve got a ton of authors on your site? What if you’ve got a ton of guests or customers or things like that that log into their account or things like that on the back end? There’s a million things that I could think of, but then I realized you can add any HTML code to this, so it doesn’t really have to be an ad. It could be a widget to something, like a speed pipe. It could be anything — I mean, any kind of HTML that you would want some function on the back end to be. Maybe that’s you RSS feed embedding something in the admin area so that you can take a look and get inspired about what to write about — any of those things. You can embed a channel for YouTube so you can have like the latest news or something like that on there — anything. So now I get it. Now I understand. I don’t really need to show ads on the back end, but I can use this HTML embed to put other things in there, so I thought it was a pretty useful idea at least in the way that I figured out how to use it. So I rated this one an 8 out of 10.
[plugin_name src=”admin-ads”]
- Repository page: [plugin_name src=”admin-ads”] at WordPress.org
- Plugin Home page: [plugin_name src=”admin-ads”] Home Page
- Current version: [plugin_version src=”admin-ads”]
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Rating: 8/10