
As most of you know, I was at the forefront of podcasting back in 2004. The opportunities that arose from Podcasting propelled me in a completely new career trajectory. In less than a year I was not only leading the pack in terms of sponsorship and listenership, I was studying the formula for creating and producing great content actually worked.

Later this year I am (God willing) going to finish up my book called Podcast Mastery that explains some of the conventional and unorthodox ways in which you can master the art of podcasting. There are some great examples out there that I frequently listen to. These folks have completely mastered their craft for content, and I'm always in their corner as a listener and a fan.

No Agenda
This show is my absolute favorite podcast. Dubbed the “Best Podcast in the Universe” No Agenda is hosted by my long-time podcasting mentor Adam Curry along with John C. Dvorak. The show is an analysis of everything going on in the media. From politics at home and abroad to tech and social circles, No Agenda is entertaining and enlighting at the same time. The show is released every Sunday and Thursday. I try to catch it the same day of the show's release so I am in the know about the current happenings of the world. If you hear it on No Agenda, chances are superb that you're ahead of the curve. As a frequent listener to the show, you quickly gain the ability to sniff out irregularities and downright bullshit within the mainstream media's reporting of the news. If you like podcasts, this should be at the top of your list.

The School of Podcasting
One of my friends and favorite podcasters, Dave Jackson is among the best in the industry. He's a Podcasting Hall of Fame inductee, tireless content creator and expert in his craft. I originally learned of and befriended Dave with his music industry podcast called The Musician's Cooler which went over tips and techniques for bands to get more gigs, more listens and more success. Dave quickly started SOP to start helping others that were getting into podcasting. He was the very first podcasting “meta” show that dealt exclusively with launching, producing, growing and succeeding with podcasting. He's the podcasting guru and well deserving of the Hall of Fame induction.

Marketing Over Coffee
Created by Christopher Penn and John Wall, this is one of the earliest and most innovative podcasts out there. Christopher Penn is like the modern mad scientist and uses technology, AI and whatever he can get his hands on to analyze and evaluate data. He's the best guy I know at discovering and manipulating data. This podcast is an insightful and often irreverent view of the modern marketing landscape.

The School of Greatness
I first discovered Lewis Howes well before his current success. I learned of him in a webinar about growing your LinkedIn presence with his book called LinkedInfluence. I put those techniques in place and grew my presence to thousands of connections. Lewis never stopped creating content and launced his podcast into a movement. The School of Greatness has grown to enormous proportions. I couldn't be happier for Lewis and all of his success. He's been featured multiple times on network news, morning shows, and even Ellen. If you want to succeed and keep a positive, loving mindset throughout your day, give this podcast a listen and subscribe.

Bulls Podcast
Of course, I had to throw in one of my own. If you are a Chicago Bulls fan like I am, you won't want to miss what I do on a weekly basis with my co-host Wyse Black. As life-long Bulls fans, we express our joys and heartbreaks of the Bulls, one of the most iconic teams in all of sports. We bring you the latest news, reviews, rants, rumors, and opinions on the players, coaches and front office of the Chicago Bulls. Honestly, it's one of the most fun productions I have ever been associated with. I recruited my co-host from YouTube, where he does a great job of presenting Chicago Bulls content in his own right. Adding him as a partner on the show has been the best thing for me. We come from different age groups, different backgrounds, and completely unique talents. But they blend so nicely when conjoined together on the show. I'm always looking forward to the days that we record the show. We both love creating the show and the content reflects that passion for the team.

Fellow Chicago Bulls Podcasts that I love:

Building a Better Dave
My aforementioned friend Dave Jackson also does an introspective show that is about himself and the world around him. The show is a great listen into the mind of Dave and his reactions to his failures, successes and everyday situations he finds himself in. “Live from the Basement” is how it used to start, as he was living in his brother's basement trying to figure out life and build himself up along the way. Happily, Dave has rebuilt himself rather well. He's now out of the basement and doing what he loves doing, podcasting, for a full time living. Even so, there are many things out there that bother Dave and he's not afraid to talk about them. I've always been envious of this show in particular. I always wanted to do an observational show on my own self-reflectiveness but was always hesitant to put myself out there like that. Whether that show idea ever comes to light for myself remains to be seen, but in the meantime, I've always got Building a Better Dave to listen to. The show is put out somewhat infrequently, but it's always one to catch when a new episode makes it in my podcast fetching apps.

The GaryVee Audio Experience
I admire Gary Vaynerchuk a great deal. When I started podcasting I was always interested in other podcasts talking about products. Gary hosted Wine Library TV as a video show talking about wine. But unlike other wine shows out there, he did it from the common person's perspective. Forget about the snooty and pompous descriptives of wine, Gary described it exactly as it was. Often humorously comparing wines to grape Hubba Bubba and wet cigars. As he built up his audience, his brick and mortar family business grew more and more. Soon after he became a coach, evangelist and mentor to millions of entrepreneurs who want to “Crush It” and succeed using modern online tools and old school hustle.

Joe Rogan Experience
I'm not sure what brought me to Joe Rogan. There were some interviews that I heard or watched clips on YouTube. As it turns out, Joe has become somewhat of a purveyor of the modern man's lifestyle. Dieting, exercise and the endless pursuit of intriguing knowledge. From Elon Musk to Alex Jones, his guests take part in long-form interviews that often enter the zone of amazing confessions or confrontations. If you're on the Joe Rogan show, you get millions of views and listens. it's one of my favorite daily downloads.

The Church of What's Happening Now
Another amazing comedian out there is Joey “CoCo” Diaz. He's probably the funniest guy in the world. Seriously. The stories he tells of his past are unbelievable and undeniably hilarious. His take on modern life is an outrageous essay on the overindulgent and outwardly stupid aspects of our society.

Podcast Rodeo
Another great production from my friend Dave Jackson, this show is a true first reaction of a Hall of Fame podcaster listing to a new and sometimes random podcast. Just like a regular rodeo, this one is all about how long we can “hang on” and ride out the podcast. This show is more about learning and improving over the “Gong Show” style that you might think. The reason I listen to it as a podcaster is to try and hear the bad habits that I may do while I'm listening to others make mistakes. It's a great case study in what to do and what not to do if you host a podcast. If you want to start a podcast, you are absolutely going to make your content better if you spend some time listening to this show and aurally taking notes of what Dave points out; good, bad or otherwise.

The Dave Ramsey Show
I've just been getting into Dave Ramsey. I was unaware of Dave until I happened to be driving and scanning the AM dial for some new content. Up popped Dave Ramsey. He provides some great call-in advice for folks looking to make financial decisions. In addition to getting into the podcast, I'm also starting to join a few Facebook groups that revolve around Dave's financial techniques. Getting 100% out of debt is one of our main goals. It will take me a few years, but we have a plan that is in place. If you want to find a way to get out from under the burden of debt, this is the show for you.

DH Unplugged
Speaking of financials, DH Unplugged is a great show to learn more about the in's and out's of the financial market and stocks. Hosted by John C Dvorak and Andrew Horowitz, this is a casual, unrehearsed conversation about the market and what you can do to get a keen sense for investing. They often talk about shorting stocks. I don't yet have my portfolio set up how they do, but it would be fun to stop out of some stocks. They like to get out with 15% gain or loss on a stock. It would be fun to try that for a few years and see how it played out.

Bonus Podcasts that I consume and enjoy:

  • LMScast with Chris Badgett
  • Entrepreneurs on Fire
  • The Solopreneur Hour Podcast
  • Duct Tape Marketing
  • Foundr Magazine Podcast
  • The China in Africa Podcast
  • Bigger Pockets Real Estate Podcast
  • In The Loop with Andy Andrews

Remember, these are just my own personal favorites and regular podcast listens. I would assume that your own tastes will vary. That's the beauty of podcasting. When I started podcasting, I was one of the first 25 shows. No there are over half a million different podcasts in existence. You're sure to find one that matches your particular interest and flavor. Instead of music, I challenge you to listen to podcasts instead. Let your mind work out along with your body. Learn a little or laugh a lot. Podcasts are as big of a revelation and freedom as the printing press was to humanity. It allows complex communication on a massive and global scale.