
Something that I do often is I have Notepad next to me while I’m doing a post because I often want to put steps or things that I have to do. Sometimes, I’ve even left stuff in draft with sort of notes to myself and then accidentally published that later with the notes that were on there. So I’ve found a plugin called Internal Notes and this allows you to just — there’s a simple text area within the post editor that’s just kind of a simple little notepad that you can scrawl anything that you’d like to, “Hey, make sure that you use the right image,” or “Hey, make sure the size on this is this,” or “Extend this out,” or “Here’s a couple other links to look at before this post is finished.” And it’s completely private and you only see it on the back end as far as making the post. So I thought it was a really handy plugin worth bringing to light here on the show and I rated it an 8 out of 10.

[plugin_name src=”internal-notes”]

  • Repository page: [plugin_name src=”internal-notes”] at
  • Plugin Home page: [plugin_name src=”internal-notes”] Home Page
  • Current version: [plugin_version src=”internal-notes”]
  • Last Updated: [plugin_last_updated src=”internal-notes”]
  • Requires: [plugin_requires src=”internal-notes”]
  • Tested up to: [plugin_tested src=”internal-notes”]
  • Downloads all time: [plugin_dl src=”internal-notes”]
  • Average rating: [plugin_rating src=”internal-notes”]
  • Number of ratings: [plugin_num_ratings src=”internal-notes”]

Download [plugin_name src=”internal-notes”]
Rating: 8/10