Marcus Couch


This one has a huge name, small function, but great results, and it’s one of these lazy plugins that we love to talk about. It’s called Gravity Forms Start Progress Bar at 0%. You kind of already know where I’m going with this one, I’m sure. Every time you start a multipage Gravity Form, it starts — if you have like five pages, it’ll start on 20% as far as completion, even though they haven’t filled out a thing. This starts you at 0% and it goes from there, so it divides it out based on zero for the first page and then, you know, 50%, 70% — whatever it is next. So this one worked flawlessly for me. It really helped out as far as if someone sees 20% on a form, they might think, “Did I just skip past something? I didn’t even fill anything out!” So don’t confuse your forms, people. It’s hard enough to get them to fill the form out, let alone confuse them with the form. I gave it a perfect 10.

[plugin_name src=”gravity-forms-start-progress-bar-at-zero-percent”]

Download [plugin_name src=”gravity-forms-start-progress-bar-at-zero-percent”]
Rating: 10/10