
In this episode of WordPress Weekly, Marcus Couch and I are joined by Topher DeRosia to learn about the origins of HeroPress. DeRosia explains his motivation for creating the site and why despite not reaching his crowdfunding goal, decided to press on.

We also discuss the impact the essays are having on people across the world and whether or not HeroPress is accomplishing its mission. Last but not least, DeRosia shares a personal story of someone who couldn’t write an essay for the site because they’re spending all of their time trying to stay alive.

Plugins Picked By Marcus:

Media from FTP allows you to import items into the WordPress media library that are uploaded via FTP.

WP Open Last Modified adds the last modified date and the current revision of your post/page using the [last_modified_date] shortcode.

Advanced WordPress Reset is a convenient way to restore WordPress back to a fresh install without having to go through the traditional installation process.

WPWeekly Meta:

Next Episode: Wednesday, March 30th 9:30 P.M. Eastern

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