
This plugin is called Viral Hover Buttons. Now this is a pretty interesting plugin. What it does is if you hover over an image within your post, or even a video, it will add a social share button over the picture. So that’s pretty cool. You can share the entire article but it just hovers over the picture. I don’t know; I’m not quite sure the correlation there. But it’s really nice because it’s out of the way, it’s in a different kind of place than people are used to, so they might click on it. Who knows?

It’s really easy to set up, really easy to install. It’s a brand-new plugin that’s only about three days old, about 25 downloads. But so far, so good. I’ve tried it out myself. I might install this on my personal site as well. It’s called Viral Hover Buttons, and I rated this one an 8.

[plugin_name src=”viral-hover-buttons”]

  • Repository page: [plugin_name src=”viral-hover-buttons”] at
  • Plugin Home page: [plugin_name src=”viral-hover-buttons”] Home Page
  • Current version: [plugin_version src=”viral-hover-buttons”]
  • Last Updated: [plugin_last_updated src=”viral-hover-buttons”]
  • Requires: [plugin_requires src=”viral-hover-buttons”]
  • Tested up to: [plugin_tested src=”viral-hover-buttons”]
  • Downloads all time: [plugin_dl src=”viral-hover-buttons”]
  • Average rating: [plugin_rating src=”viral-hover-buttons”]
  • Number of ratings: [plugin_num_ratings src=”viral-hover-buttons”]

Download [plugin_name src=”viral-hover-buttons”]
Rating: 8/10